Semiotics: Icon, Index & Symbol
Why are icons and indexes so important in media texts?
Icons are important in media texts because they are the visual representation of what the advertisement is trying to get across to their audience. Icons are also important as they are usually the only visual representations on the advertisement. Indexes are important because they show evidence of what's being represented. They are crucial as they create the connotations suggested by the brand or company.
Why might global brands try and avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing?
Global brands may try to avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing as symbols are things that are culturally learned, for example numbers and alphabet. This means that global brands would avoid using symbols as different countries may have different meaning for different symbols- this may cause confusion and prevent a direct message from being correctly understood.
This media text is very controversial as it seems to be sexualising women and uses some sort of sexual humour. The icons in this media text are the woman and the burger. The index in the text is the copy which can be viewed as sexual humour, mainly sexualising women in a disrespectful manner- linking to the image portrayed. The icon shows the woman with her mouth wide open supposedly about to take a bite from the burger however this image can be seen in a sexual manner, degrading and sexualising women. The copy on the text both in the centre and at the bottom of the ad can be interpreted in the wrong way as it uses a sexual pun which could be interpreted as referring to the central image. The symbol on this print advertisement is the burger king logo.This advertisement was supposedly meant to come across as humorous however this media product has failed in doing so as it comes across as degrading towards women as it sexualises them in a negative light. This advertisement is also sexist.
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